Awe & Wonder | Special Needs Ministry Resources

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Abram Moves to Canaan- Special Needs Ministry Creative Bible Storytelling

Awe & Wonder’s Adapted Bible Curriculum for special needs ministry utilizes sensory storytelling within each week’s lesson to help volunteers and buddies in disability ministry have tools to share the Gospel and Bible stories with individuals with intellectual disabilities.

This easy Bible craft can help you show how Abram, Sarai, and Lot moved from the land of Haran to Canaan in an interactive, play-based way. They followed God’s leading and trusted in Him when they didn’t know God’s plan.

The Bible tells us that Abram’s family moved their tent around as they traveled. In September 2023 Week 1’s lesson plans, we will be creating a tent out of a paper bag to represent Abram’s tent.

Here’s how to create your own:

Take a paper bag

I loved this idea for sharing the Bible story with children and students with disabilities! *Idea has been adapted from here.

Looking for ready-made resources for disability ministry? Awe & Wonder’s Adapted Bible curriculum provides full lesson plans for each week, with activities, visual supports, and adapted Bible stories as we walk students through the big story of the Bible each year.