Let’s Chat!

Have a question? Have a resource idea? Need help with a resource or purchase? I’d love to hear from you!

Reach out via the form below or send me an email at cjenkins@specialneedsministryresources.com.

Cortney Jenkins

Hi! I’m Cortney Jenkins, a former special education teacher, and current church staff member. I create resources to help parents and churches teach the Bible and disciple kids with special needs. Learn more here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I take custom orders based on my current availability and what you are looking to have created. I’m happy to chat and discuss!

    Reach out to me via the form above or at cjenkins@specialneedsministryresources.com with any custom requests.

  • Due to being a mom of two young children, I am only able to offer in-person trainings on a very limited basis. I’m happy to discuss your request to see if it would fit into my schedule. Fill out the form above and I’ll be in touch!