hey there!

Meet Cortney

I’m Cortney Jenkins and I’m so glad you are here!

I help parents and churches disciple and teach the Bible to learners with special needs.

Let me tell you my story…

I remember growing up my dad would tell me,

“You should be a special education teacher”

little did I know…

I had no plans to be a special education teacher.

When I was in high school, I felt a call on my life to vocational ministry. I didn’t know what that would look like or what it would mean for my life, but I said “Yes” to the Lord and headed off to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA for my undergraduate studies.

While there I fell in love with a few different things-

1) Studying the Bible on a deep level

2) Women’s Ministry

3) My (now) husband Jeremy

I walked away from Liberty with a degree in Religion, a specialization in women’s ministry, and 3 minors- Biblical studies, youth ministry, and family & child development. Can you say, “overachiever”. ;)

I also walked away engaged to Jeremy and ready to dive head first into ministry life together. We were married a few months after I graduated and a week after we got back from our honeymoon the student pastor job that Jeremy had lined up fell through. We were devastated.

We scrambled and found marketplace jobs to make ends meet until we could figure out what “real” ministry jobs we were going to pursue. I accepted a special education teacher’s assistant position at a local middle school and long story short, was offered a teaching position the next year and went back to school for my graduate certificate in Special Education: Adapted Curriculum. I spent the next 5 years doing exactly what my dad always told me I should do…being a special ed teacher in a self-contained classroom for students with moderate to severe disabilities. And I absolutely loved it. It was hard and there was a mountain of paperwork. But there was so much joy and love. I loved celebrating the little milestones, seeing growth, and walking with parents through the middle school years.

Jeremy took a student pastor position at a local church, I helped start a women’s ministry there, and I served in ministry in the margins of my school days and weekends. But Jeremy and I both knew that my time in the classroom was limited- I was still called to ministry and had a deep desire to stay home with our kids. I left the classroom, but I didn’t leave behind my love and my passion for special education.

I’ve spent the last 5 years serving in the local church in many different ways. I am now on staff part-time as the administrative assistant, serve as the women’s ministry director, and I am part of our children’s ministry leadership team. I’ve been able to spend so much more time with my kids and watch them grow. My husband Jeremy is now one of the lead pastors at our church and serving together and raising our kids has been the greatest joy!

I’m so glad you asked! :)

As our youngest child prepared to go to kindergarten (what?!?!), I was evaluating whether or not I wanted to return to the classroom as a SPED teacher. As much as I loved it, I just didn’t feel at peace about leaving my position at our church or giving up my flexibility and availability for our kids. But the Lord kept bringing Special Education to my mind. One day I reached out to a SPED teacher friend and just asked for her thoughts on special needs ministry. That led to a journey of learning what’s been available for churches and special needs families to teach the Bible and disciple individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I was honestly surprised by how little there was out there. This is such a huge need in the church today!

I took a step back and reflected on the journey the Lord has brought me through so far in my life, and I realized that He had uniquely prepared me and gifted me to meet this need for special needs ministry resources. It truly is such a sweet combination of my passions and my giftings. I am once again said “Yes” to the Lord and walked through this door by faith. And so, Awe & Wonder began.

so how did I get here?

what about you?

How did you end up here?

Are you a disability ministry leader or volunteer?

Maybe you're a special needs parent?

Whatever the reason that landed you here today- welcome. I pray this space will be a place of encouragement, refreshment, education, and a treasure trove of resources for you.

I pray these resources make things just a little easier for you… because the days of disability ministry and special needs parenting can be long and hard. I’m in your corner cheering you on and pointing you to our source of strength when we are weak- Jesus. You are not doing this alone friend!

I’m committed to providing resources that will be tools for you to disciple the individuals with disabilites in your life- whether in your home or in a church.

Because the Gospel is for everyone!

Favorite Things

These are a few of my

I’m a North Carolina girl who loves reading with a cup of mint tea in hand in the morning, As cliche as it sounds, my Bible is my favorite possession. A few years ago I had the Bible I used in college re-bound and restitched in beautiful goatskin leather. My favorite passage in all of Scripture is John 1, it’s a deep well of theological truth!

I love the thrill of the hunt. Whether that’s thrifting and antiquing for a new addition to our house, or searching for sharks’ teeth and sea shells on the beach, I love finding things that bring me joy.

I’m a beach girl through and through. My husband Jeremy and I got married in Kure Beach, NC back in 2011. We go back for vacation with my family, and it’s my favorite week of every year. When Jeremy proposed, we carved our initials in a tree on a riverbank in Lynchburg, VA. He gave me a necklace with a charm that has our initials carved into a tree trunk. Um, sweetest gift ever.

I’m a wanna-be-cut flower gardener. I love growing beautiful flowers to bring inside and give away. Thanks to Magnolia Network and Floret Flowers for showing me how much fun that could be!

I’m a Bible backgrounds nerd. I love diving into historical information and archeological finds that impact our understanding of Scripture. I had the privilege to visit Israel in college and it forever changed how I read and understand Scripture.

I love to travel and experience new cultures. I especially love trying new foods in new places. Jeremy and I went to Rome in 2020 right before “2020” happened. I don’t know that we’ll ever top that experience, it was pure delight. Cacio e Pepe, you have my heart.

As much as I love to travel, I also really love being home. I’m a homebody and homemaker. We bought and renovated two houses in 4 years. We’re here to stay in our current house and I love slowly curating the place we call home.

I love spending time with our kids and seeing them grow into delightful humans. I enjoy creating intentional moments that will hopefully become treasured memories. Sally Clarkson has been such a gift to my motherhood journey.

At night, you’ll find me with a cup of sparkling water mixed with my favorite True Lime Cherry Limeade mix watching TV with Jeremy. If you know Jeremy, you know that probably means we are watching an obscure documentary about world religions or we’ll throw on a funny Youtube video or two.

I’m a...





Kind Words

“Thank you for finding ways for children with special needs and their families to be included- especially in church! ❤️” -Claudia

and watch what God will do

Let’s get started