What’s included in Awe & Wonder’s Adapted Bible Curriculum Subscription?
Each month a new unit releases on our member dashboard and you have access to complete done-for-you weekly Bible lessons designed specifically for learners with intellectual disabilities.
Each month focuses on a different set of Bible stories that build upon one another each week of the month.
Each Month You Receive…
Bible Story Adapted Books on 4 Differientated Levels
Repeated Reader with Interactive Pieces
Symbol-Supported Memory Verse
Weekly Lesson Plans
Weekly Multi-Sensory Storytelling Guides
Weekly Visual Step-by-Step Crafts
Monthly Song and Video Suggestions
Plus more!!
Learn More ⬇
Weekly Lesson Plans
Each week our lesson guides include:
Hands-on activities to help teach the Bible story of the week
Multi-Sensory Storytelling Guide
Printable Visual Supports and Activity Pages
Visual Step-by-Step Craft
Home Connection
And more!
Awe & Wonder makes the prep work much easier for ministry leaders, volunteers, and parents!
You’ll spend less time adapting and changing something that isn’t specifically designed for students with intellectual disabilities, and more time focused on discipleship!
Leveled Bible Story Adapted Books
Each month, your curriculum subscription includes a Bible story adapted book with a story for each week of the month. This adapted book comes in 4 differentiated levels so you can reach students on a variety of cognitive levels.
You’ll have tools to show your students how these stories fit into the BIG STORY of the Bible as we walk through the Bible each year! Awe & Wonder is committed to providing Biblically based, theologically rich, and developmentally appropriate curriculum- because the Gospel is for everyone!
Resource Library & Video Training
You’ll have a library of valuable resources available at your fingertips on our member dashboard!
Visual Schedules
Classroom Visual Supports
New Student Forms
Supplemental Adapted Books
Event Guides
You’ll have access to an extended video training library that includes trainings on.
Equipping Volunteers
Getting Started with the Curriculum
How to Teach the Bible to Students with Disabilities
More Evidence-Based Practices and Classroom Strategies!
with both subscriptions…
You’ll take your students chronologically through the BIG STORY of the Bible once a year with Awe & Wonder!
Perfect for Churches, Families, and Christian Schools!
Hear from a current subscriber…
Scope & Sequence
Check out what Bible stories are included
trusted by
plus many more - serving churches of all sizes in many denominations!
Awe & Wonder's Adapted Bible Curriculum is completely digital. You'll have access to a private member dashboard where you can download all of the content. You can print materials, use materials digitally, or a combo of both!
The church subscription is designed to use during a church service one day a week. It includes everything you need - all lesson plans, activity suggestions, activity sheets, volunteer tips, and more. The church subscription is licensed for use with multiple students (tiered pricing based on average number of students the curriculum will serve weekly).
The family subscription is designed to be used in the home throughout the week, with daily guides to engage your child with the Bible story and activities throughout the week. The activities, adapted book, and other resources are the same as the church subscription, just modified for home use and broken up into multiple-day experiences. The family subscription is licensed for single-family use.
Curriculum subscribers will access the curriculum via our member portal.
Church subscribers will have access to the current month, the following month, and the previous month's content. Updates will happen on the first of every month.
Family subscribers will have access to the current month and the following month’s units. New content is released and uploaded to the member dashboard on the 15th of each month for family subscribers.
You can also view the planned Bible stories for each week through summer of 2026 on the current scope and sequence.
Multi-campus churches can select the membership tier that represents the average number of students who will be served using the curriculum on a weekly basis across all campuses.
Because Awe & Wonder’s curriculum provides 4 differentiated levels of our adapted Bible story books, our curriculum is perfect to use across a wide range of ages!
We have churches that use the curriculum with preschoolers through adults.
There may be times when an activity may need to be changed up a little for an older group or some discussion questions may need to be added, but for the most part, you should be able to use the curriculum as it is written for any age group.
I was a middle school self-contained teacher and my students would have engaged well with the curriculum. But again, it is really dependent on the individuals who are in your ministry and what their needs include.
I suggest downloading the free sample lesson and checking it out to see if it might work for your group!
Send Cortney an email at cjenkins@specialneedsministryresoruces.com