Special Needs Families

I’m not a special needs parent,

but I’m listening friend…

You are tired- you constantly give of yourself and feel like you have to be constantly on alert.

You are worried- wondering if you are doing enough or if maybe you’re pushing too hard.

You are grieving- wrestling through the why and grieving for the loss of what you thought your child’s life would be like.

You are hopeful- you want so much for your child to be included and accepted. You pray for friendships & inclusion.

You are strong- you are your child’s biggest advocate.

You are devoted- You want to teach your children about Jesus and the Bible and for them to know how great God is!

My free gift to you…

let’s make church a little easier for your family!

Resources for Special Needs Parents

  • Adapted Discipleship Resources

    I’m creating tools for you to use to disciple your kids with special needs using research-based special education practices. Find the ever-growing library of resources in the shop!

  • Family Curriculum Membership

    Have you ever wished there were tools available to easily teach the Bible to your special needs child and resources to provide some structure to intentional discipleship?

    The Adapted Bible Curriculum subscription for families will give you monthly units that include weekly plans with 5 days of activities and Adapted Bible stories to read throughout the month (plus so much more!)

  • Resources to use at Church

    Awe & Wonder provides resources to help your child at church. The church needs your family and your child, and you need them! Let us help provide resources that will make the experience easier by providing visual supports and helpful tips.

    Awe & Wonder also provides many resources and support for churches as they serve kids and families like you!

  • Special Needs Parents Video Training

    Video Training

    As a former SPED teacher, I want to help parents and churches learn some of the tools and strategies that can help you teach your kids in your home or church ministry

    I offer a video training library that provides helpful tips for using Awe & Wonder’s resources and for teaching students with special needs.

  • Blog Posts

    The Awe & Wonder blog has lots of posts that you may find helpful for your family The blog is ever-growing so check back often for new posts and ideas!

  • Resource Recommendations

    I’ve curated a list of recommended resources for you and for your church. You can find recommended tools to use with Awe & Wonder materials, books for your special needs child and their siblings/friends, books for you, and more. I’ve also created a list of other websites and ministries that provide support to special needs families and churches.