2 Words That Can Change Your Ministry

Tell me if you've ever had this thought…


“…I wonder if they understand"


I'm guessing if you're anything like me, you have.  Maybe you're a mama, wondering how much your child can understand about God. Maybe you're a ministry leader, struggling with how much the individuals in your ministry are truly grasping what you are teaching week after week.  

There are 2 words that I want to encourage you with today.  They will radically change the way you view teaching about God and the Bible to children with disabilities.  What are those words?

Presume competence.  

When we presume competence, we assume that every person has the ability to think and learn, regardless of perceived abilities or a lack of displayed comprehension. 

Sometimes, we just simply aren't going to know if the child or adult we are teaching understands the concepts we are presenting.  But should that stop us from sharing and teaching? Not at all.    


There's something called the Least Dangerous Assumption and I think it is one of the most important things we should be holding onto in discipleship and ministry. 

Think about these two situations…

Scenario 1

“We assumed he could learn, so we gave him every opportunity.  And it turns out he couldn't. ”


Scenario 2

"We assumed he could NOT learn, so we did not give him the opportunity.  But it turns out he COULD learn.  

Which would you consider to be the Least Dangerous Assumption? I think we can all agree it is scenario #1.  When we consider what we teach and share about the Bible with individuals with disabilities, think about this.  If one day you discover that they have had a higher comprehension and understanding than what you originally thought, will you be glad that you taught them and exposed them to the content that you did, or will you wish that you shared more?


We HAVE to share theologically rich and doctrinally sound topics with our friends with disabilities, even if at the end of the day we are unsure of how much they can fully understand.  We provide supplemental aids, supports, adaptions, and accommodations as needed to help support comprehension and provide meaningful ways for those with limited communication skills to engage.  I hope that Awe & Wonder's Adapted Bible Curriculum and resources will help make that part of this task easier in the months ahead.  


Remember, the Gospel is for everyone.  

Don't let the unknowns stop you from sharing.


*Scenarios above are quoted from Anne McDonnellan, who first advocated for this mindset in the 1980's. 


Disability Ministry Resource Ideas- Prime Day 2023


Why an Adapted Bible Curriculum